Mr. Robot: My dad was a petty thief. Never could hold down a job. So he just robbed. Convenience stores, shops. Small-time stuff. One time, he sat me down. He told me something I never forgot. He said, "Everyone steals. That's how it works. You think people out there are getting exactly what they deserve? No. They're getting paid over or under, but someone in the chain always gets bamboozled. I steal, son. But I don't get caught. That's my contract with society. Now, if you can catch me stealing, then I'll go to jail. But if you can't then I've earned the money." I respected that man. I thought that shit was cool, as a little kid. A few years after that, they finally caught him. Sent him to jail. He dies five years later. My respect goes with him. I thought he was free doing what he did, but he wasn't. He was in prison. Just like you are now, Elliot. But I'm gonna break you out.